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Each video will introduce you to a theme, provide you with a method and suggest a simple exercise to do during the day to become an Xcelpreneur, a champion of selling services via the web.
As a member, you'll have access to exclusive, valuable content including the 5 engagement factors and the 7 phases of web sales.
As promised, you'll soon be receiving by e-mail the e-book reserved exclusively for our subscribers, "5 simple secrets for creating irresistible engagement with your publications on social networks" (or How to create "super performing" publications for social networks?).
5 things that make you sell
What are the 5 engines that drive customers to subscribe, comment, share or give a thumbs-up?
Discover the importance of these drivers for your social network publications.
7 phases of selling via the web
What are the different phases involved in turning a stranger into a loyal customer?
Discover each of these phases in this introductory video.
Create your slogan
Give me in 5 words the key argument that will turn a stranger into one of your customers?
Find out how you can create your slogan in 4 easy steps.
Keep customers for life
Why wouldn't you consider canceling your LinkedIn account?
You don't know it, but you're in what we call a lobster cage!
Find out how to create a lobster cage to keep your customers for life!
Red hat or Black Hats ?
Give me 5 words that clearly and unambiguously distinguish you from your competitors.
Why the first question a phone or computer buyer should ask is, "Should I buy an APPLE or another brand?"
Find out how to become a red hat in a store full of black hats (your competitors).
About Simone Hoa
Coach, trainer and speaker for startups and companies, Simone worked in sales for over 30 years before becoming a certified coach with a master's degree.
She has worked on three continents and lived many lives before bringing you the fruits of her experience and the keys to success for Xcelpreneurs.
Her contagious enthusiasm, unshakeable confidence and conviction in what she does today help and guide entrepreneurs to build their dream business and live their dream life.

Jean Lamontagne
A coach for startups and businesses, speaker and serial entrepreneur in IT and digital marketing for over 35 years, he has developed several businesses, 2 of which have exceeded one million in sales.
His most notable achievement is his contribution to LesPAC.com. This site was sold in 2011 to Mediagrif for over $72.5 million. At the time he left the company, LesPAC.com was the #1 classifieds site in Quebec, with 3 billion page views per year and some $12.5 billion in transactions generated by the site per year.
A profound innovator, Jean developed the first complete and integrated approach to selling via the web, particularly for service companies.

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